Hip Replacement Cost in the UK – Private Surgery, no waiting list.
What is the cost of a total hip replacement surgery in the UK? Do the costs only cover the surgery itself, or it included also additional services? What implant type will the NHS hospital use?
In current times, Patients are asking themselves these questions even more frequently. Due to COVID-19 many hip replacement procedures were cancelled, as they were qualified as “non-urgent surgeries”. If you have been waiting for your procedure for the last years, and just before it happened, you got informed that is cancelled and that the new date is unknown… Hospital backlog threatens four-year wait for a hip op after lockdown. You are probably very frustrated.
Degenerative hip changes are quite common and aliment in the age over 50 years old. The joint “wears out” which means the space between the bones (where the cartilage should be) vanishes, and the bones start to rub onto each other, which leads to severe pain, painful walking, sleeping. It may be caused by arthritis. At first, the doctors suggest painkillers, physiotherapy or reducing activities. But for a person living an active lifestyle, it might be a nightmare. The goal of hip replacement surgery is to replace the parts of the hip joint that have been damaged. It also helps relieve hip pain that can’t be controlled by other treatments.
A hip replacement is a complex surgery, usually performed in the local or general aneasthesication, requiring several days of hospitalisation and intense physiotherapy, which will help in getting back to the expected mobility.
What is the price for a hip replacement surgery in the UK privately?
The price varies depending on the location and the reputation of the facility. The range starts with about £10,500 (for just the operation itself) and sometimes the hip replacement cost in the UK is £15,400.
The average quote for the hip replacement privately in the UK was about £12,500 (October 2020). Usually, this cost covers the procedure with about 3-5 days stay. On the top, you will need to add consultants visit, a walker and a pair of crutches, additional examinations such as X-Rays, blood tests, sutures removal and a check-up. If, after the procedure, you will need a blood transfusion (a dosage of blood and plasma, which is common after the hip replacement) it will be added to your bill.
What if I cannot afford the hip replacement privately in the UK?
We have good news for you – there is a possibility, to undergo a private hip replacement abroad, for example in Poland. The all-inclusive stay for a 14-days stay in the clinic, together with consultations, surgery, high-quality implant by Zimmer Biomet or Smith&Nephew, daily physiotherapy, a la carte menu, private room in the clinic for you and a companion who could stay in the hospital’s room with you, would cost you about £8790. The packages are highly competitive and are praised by international Patients, who decided to undergo their hip replacement privately, in Poland. Until the end of 2020, there is an option to receive a cost reimbursement for your treatment abroad from the NHS. We would be happy to help you apply and prepare all the necessary documents.
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Hip replacement male aged 49
Arthritis in right hip
Hi M,
we have e-mailed you all the information. Please check your mailbox.
We are looking forward to hearing from you,
Best regards
EuroTreatMed Team
I’m in need to both hips replaced. Severe pain in both.
Hi Gil,
Thank you for leaving a comment. We have contacted you via @.
Kind regards
Hi Shirley,
I know exactly where u are coming from as I am the same. Very frustrating and extremely painful.
We just have to hang in there untill something gives first, as I have to lose at least 2.stone before I get a fully investigating xray etc.
Wish I could win alit of dosh.
Dear Pauline,
we are so sorry to read it. We hope you will manage to have the diagnostics & procedure arranged soon. If, at some point, you will consider undergoing a hip replacement in Poland, please contact us via contact@eurotreatmed.co.uk – we will send you all the details. All the best, the EuroTreatMed Team
46 year old male have terrible pain in right hip due to bone on bone I’m a big lad weighing in at 23st can’t shift the weight as I’m in too much pain to exercise.. Its now affecting my job and I’m told by my consultant that he won’t operate due to weight and my age… Generally had enough if I didn’t have kids and a granddaughter I honestly think I’d of killed myself by now
Dear S,
I am so terribly sorry… I know it’s hard exercising when you are paralysed with a hip pain…
I have just e-mailed you, please have a look.
Kindest regards
Hello can you please give a quotation for a left hip replacement I am 60 years male 100kg many thanks
Dear Colin,
Thank you for your comment. We have contacted you via e-mail, please check your mailbox. If you haven’t received anything, please drop us a line at contact@eurotreatmed.co.uk – we will be happy to provide you with the detailed information. All the best, ETM team
Ive had both my hips replaced.My left one is over 19 years old and my right one approximately 16 years old.For the last 2 years the pain in my right hip has got steadily worse.Ive been waiting for a scan for close to 18 months. The pain is down the left side of my leg from the hip to my calf and ankle.I can walk approximately 100 yards after which I have to sit for a while before I can walk again. What is the possibility my hip doesnt need replacing?
Dear Raymond,
you shall have our response already in your mailbox.
All the best,
EuroTreatMed Team
hi, i am in need of my right hip replaced/ operation. can you help me
Kind regards
Hi Delvin,
we have e-mailed you with more information, please check your mailbox. Our hospital is performing orthopaedical surgeries with no delay/backlog, waiting time is about 1-3 weeks.
We are looking forward to hearing from you,
EuroTreatMed Team
Hi. My right hip is causing me so much pain. I have osteoarthritis in just about all my lower joints. I haven’t even been referred to an orthopaedic surgeon in the UK. My life is non existent as I can hardly walk any distance. They say exercise is the best medicine for osteoarthritis. Yet how do you exercise when every step is like walking on broken glass. I wake through the night with the pain. I’ve put on so much weight that I now have a bmi of just under 40. My weight gain is mainly due to inactivity and the fact I can’t stand long enough to prepare a decent meal, so I eat unhealthy snacks all day. My mental health, which has always been poor is now at an all time low. I’ve become a virtual recluse. Very rarely leaving my house. To be honest in most cases my bed. My life is hardly worth living. I have no intention of ending it, don’t misunderstand. I just want to be able to walk without pain.
Dear Shirley,
we are so sorry to hear about what you have been through. What is the reason why you have been not referred to the orthopaedic surgeon yet?
We have sent you some information via e-mail.
If you need anything please contact us anytime,
Best regards
EuroTreatMed Team
Hi I’m needing both hip replacement I’ve been waiting over 12 months for the NHS to give me a date for my surgery but still can’t confirm a date.
Could you give me a estimate of the cost
Regards Peter
Hi there , am in need for both hip replacement, please can you quote how much will it cost me overall
Dear Fouad,
we have sent you an e-mail with more information. Please do not hesitate to ask, whenever you have questions.
Yours sincerely,
EuroTreatMed Team
I had a motor cycle accident 40 treat ago which dislocated my right hip. I have a couple of screws in there now. I now have quite a bad limp and sometimes I feel my hip giving way. I haven’t fallen yet but am concerned. I had an x ray with the nhs 6 weeks ago and still no results. I am 71 years old
Please send me details. Bone on bone (flattened ball of hip through wear). Consultant said too late for injections, no exercise only light housework, loose more weight! Only allowed pain killers as kidneys now compromised due to nsaids. Help
Could you please quote me a price for full hip replacement.I am bone on bone.Have been told by my doctor that I may have to wait up to 2years. I would be grateful if you could quote me for full package
My left hip is bad and I am having serious pain there. Is there any medical solution aside hip replacement?
My partners left hopes v bad and needs a hip replacement
He had to work or we have no money! But he can’t wait for the replacement!!! It’s too long
Can you assist?
We paid private for consultation and know what’s required
Thankyou in anticipation
Could you please quote me a price for a total left hip replacement and the how long is the waiting list.
As my employer has requested I find this information for him .
As I am bone on bone with spurs on left hip ,which is affecting right hip aswell.
Kind regards
Hello , my mom has an advanced hip joint stiffness , her doctor suggested she needs to do a hip joint implant , i would like to know the full quota for the surgery and the necessary procedures
Thanks in advance
I had hip replacement in 2008. Seems to be failing now. I’ve read up regarding a hip revision but because of my age71 I was told I would need a total new hip replacement again.
Are you able to do hip revision surgery ? I had a replacement hip 11 years ago and now needs replacing , if so are you able to give an idea of costings please..
Many thanks
Phil Ruskin
I have waited over two years for total hip replacement on right side I was due to get it done January or February but due to Covid and backlog I have not hear anything how long would I need to wait if I decide to go private ?
Hi Please provide me with further info for a right hip replacement.
Thank you
Dear Jeanette,
we tried to get in touch via e-mail, but it seems your address is incorrect – the messages keep returning. Please contact us directly at contact@eurotreatmed.co.uk – we will be happy to provide you with all the information.
Have a lovely day,
Best regards
EuroTreatMed Team
Hello I’m a 27 year old mate – I have a torn hip labral tear which has massively worsen as it’s received no treatment. I also have a suspected on in my left hip as well. Is this something you can assist with?
Witam . Mam 55 lat cierpię na potworny ból lewego stawu biodrowego . Miałam okołoporodowe wywichnięcie stawu , został on dwukrotnie nastwiony pod narkozą plus spędziłam 9 miesięcy w gipsie . Od około roku cierpię z powodu nieustannie nasilającego się bólu . W chwili obecnej uniemożliwia mi.on chodzenie . Moja GP zdiagnozowała osteoarthritis i stwietdziła że czeka mnie rekonstrukcja biodra . Czy wykonujecie Państwo tego typu operacje i czy jest ona refundowana przez NHS ?
Z góry dziękuję za odpowiedź
Anna Chaber