
(non-surgical liposuction, Laser Lipo, Laser Lipolysis in Poland, Liposuction Abroad)

1. General Treatment Information

a) Expected results, benefits

What are the advantages of laser liposuction?

Laser lipolysis is a safe, minimally invasive and efficient procedure to liquefy and eliminate fat from unwanted areas, to tighten the skin and to achieve attractive body. The procedure is fast, comfortable and it does not require general anaesthesia. Usually, diet and training should be the first line of choice when striving to beautiful shapes, but sometimes you may need some extra help. The laser liposuction is a perfect choice.

b) About the procedure

Laser liposuction is a procedure much safer and less invasive from traditional methods of removing extra fat tissues. You will get a local, instead of general anaesthesia, whereby the process itself is shorter and easier. Laser light is delivered below the skin, so the external surface is not subjected to any direct energy. With the laser beam radiation, the breakdown of fat tissues happens and the separate fat cells are removed with the metabolism. Usually, the procedure is done to remove unwanted fat from hips, thighs, abdominal parts, calves, arms and chin. Laser liposuction is not a full substitute of traditional, surgical procedure; it should be used to remove smaller parts of fat tissues.

c) Treatment Schedule

The procedure is carried out without any significant bleeding. The surgeon injects the anaesthetic medicine and makes a small 2 millimetres cut in your skin, to insert the infiltrating cannula and fibre optics cable. Depending on the region of the body being treated, the procedure lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Small cuts are almost invisible and do not cause any aesthetic problems. After the surgery, it is recommended for a patient to rest for couple days and to undergo specific lymphatic drainage massage. You may need to wear a compression belt.

d) Potential side effects

What are the risks with laser liposuction?

Laser fat lipolysis is considered as the safe procedure; however, there are several possible events that may occur. Firstly, you should discuss your possible allergic reactions to local anaesthesia. The risk of infection is close to zero as you will be given preventive antibiotic. The body region may swell right after the surgery. In very rare cases the appearance of the skin may get uneven when the laser beam will remove some tissues, and connective fibres will remain in place.

e) Full Recovery Time

The recovery process after laser lipolysis is quick. First effects are visible right after the procedure, but because of swelling and little injuries accompanying the procedure, Patient has to wait for the full results. The noticeable effect of fat tissues reduction is reached after 3-4 weeks.

2. Patient’s preparation

The procedure does not require any special preparations. Basic laboratory tests are done: complete blood count, OB, sugar, cholesterol, liver tests. Additionally, to maintain highest standards of safety procedures, the antibiotics treatment is prescribed. Vital is to follow the rules to stop taking medicines that rarefy your blood (like aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) during one week before surgery, not to drink alcohol. If you have any illness like cold or fever it may also influence your possibility to get the surgery. This procedure is also not done during menstruation. To maintain the good results of laser lipolysis, it is very important to keep the healthy weight.

3. Diagnostics

If you are trying to achieve a firm, slender and slim body, but despite exercises and healthy diet some body parts are resistant to changes, your surgeon may suggest laser lipolysis, to help in obtaining your dream result.

4. Qualification for the procedure

If you are eating healthy, exercising a lot, and still have problems with achieving satisfying results in a body shaping you may be a good candidate for this procedure. You should be in general good health. The laser lipolysis cannot be performed if you are pregnant, diabetes, have hypertension, heart diseases, blood coagulation disorders, renal or liver failure, or any inflammation.