
Lens replacement procedure might be an answer either for patients with diagnosed cataract or for people with vision defects that would like to become glasses independent. While in the first case the treatment is inevitable, there is no such a big pressure in the latter. In both circumstances, however, it is extremely important to carefully choose the facility where the lens exchange procedure will be performed to make sure that the operation will be successful. One of the many available options is going for a Lens Replacement to Poland, why? Mainly because of the high standards and very good quality of medical services, modern facilities and competitive prices. But these are not the only reasons why you should consider Lens Replacement in Poland. Read the article below to find out more.

Cataract surgery abroad

When it comes to cataract surgeries, usually it is possible to perform the procedure which is funded by the public medical service. Although this means the operation cost is covered by the public health insurance, usually it includes only the cheapest implants available on the market. Also, very often there is a significant waiting time. It is reasonable to consider a private treatment and compare prices between local facilities and providers from other countries that offer lens replacement abroad. Being well communicated with the rest of Europe, Poland is one of the best choices for cataract surgery abroad with experienced ophthalmologists and high-quality medical care.

Lens replacement abroad

Lens replacement also called refractive lens exchange as a treatment not critical for human health is rarely funded by the public service. This means patients who are willing to undergo this procedure need to go private and thus are more sensitive to price differences especially that the private treatment happens to be quite expensive in many western countries. Going for a lens replacement abroad allow patients more freedom when it comes to the choice of implant as they can afford even the most advanced lenses which is beneficial for improved vision they seek. In most facilities in Europe the implants used for Lens replacement procedure are more or less the same and come from the same manufacturers. Price differences are usually caused by the economic reasons – like salaries for doctors and medical staff or cost of real estate, yet in most cases lower cost does not compromise the quality of the treatment.

Lens Replacement in Poland

Poland is a fast-developing country in central Europe with modern private medical care, easily accessible from many airports in Europe and Worldwide. That makes it a great destination for people seeking medical treatment abroad. Many patients choose to come for a Lens Replacement to Poland due to the high quality of medical services, presence of experienced surgeons and competitive treatment prices. Lens replacement abroad is usually a quick and simple process. The first step is an online qualification where patients describe their problems and send over the internet medical records they have received before. If the patient is a suitable candidate for lens replacement procedure or other treatment like laser correction, it is necessary to come for a one day qualification visit in order to perform accurate examination of the eyes and to consult with a surgeon the choice of a lens implant. During the second stay patients come for a few days, usually less than a week for a surgery combined with control visits. Final check up might be performed at the local consultant. Thanks to many cheap flight connections it is easy and convenient to get to the clinic in Poland. The whole logistics is organized and handled by the Eurotreatmed staff which may assist with finding the best flight connections and hotels for patients’ stay.

Contact us for natural lens replacement abroad

Contact us

Free online consultation

Free online consultation

Qualification visit for refractive lens exchange

First qualification
1 day visit

Lens  Replacement Abroad 5 days visitLens Replacement
5 days visit

Follow up visit after lens replacement abroadFollow up visit at home

Sightseeing during your stay

If there is a possibility to plan more time to spend in Poland, our coordinators can recommend plenty of sightseeing possibilities. This might be also an interesting for the accompanying person. Among others it is worth to visit Kraków with its beautiful old city and kings’ castle by the Vistula river or Katowice which has been recently transformed from mining area into modern service oriented city, where you can still experience and feel its unique character thanks to preserved and renovated post industrial buildings that are now used as galleries, museums or restaurants. Many people also choose to visit Auschwitz & Birkenau, holocaust memorial museum. More sightseeing opportunities can be found under this link.

Whether you have been diagnosed with a cataract or you are willing to improve your vision and become glasses independent it is worth to consider Lens Replacement procedure in Poland. What are potential benefits:

→ Quick and easy process

Our coordinators will make sure that your treatment will progress smoothly, and they will answer any of your questions or doubts

→ High standard and quality of medical service

Our surgeons have expertise and extensive experience and the clinics are meeting high European standard

→ Competitive price

You may significantly save on the treatment cost compared to the private treatment in your country

→ No waiting time and flexible schedule

We will adjust your treatment schedule accordingly to your needs.

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